March 27 2025
Principal's Reflection
Religious Education
2025 Sacramental Program
Uniform Changes
Cross Country
Grade Six Leadership Day 2025
Maths Daily Review
Grade 5 Sharing-Harmony Day
Upcoming Events
Kindergarten 2026 Parent Information Evening
Trivia Night
Sound Scouts
Gastro and Infectious Diseases
Insight SRC Survey
Age Appropriate Apps
Bus Letter to all Families
Attendance Policy
End of Term/ Term 2 start date
Dear Families,
In schools and in life, there are some weeks that are quieter and there are some weeks that have 'a bit more happening.' Last week is a great example of a 'bit happening' at St Brigid's, however, what a fantastic week our students had. On Monday, I was fortunate enough to accompany the Grade 6's on their cultural leadership day. It was fantastic to witness the growth that our leaders are making and the leadership skills that they are developing. On Wednesday, we had Peter Mitchell (Mitch), founder of the Making Jesus Real (MJR) program come in and work with students in Grades 3 and 4 as well as address our school at assembly. Students took a significant amount from these sessions with Mitch and this was evident through my conversations with students and families across the week. The message that Mitch passed on is a simple one. As people and members of this community we have an outstanding opportunity to take the learnings from Jesus and put them into action into our own lives. It could be as simple as a smile or helping out at school or at home. Thank you Mitch for your work with our students. Below are some responses students gave to Mitch in answering the question of: WHAT CAN YOU DO TO BE A BETTER TEAM PLAYER AT HOME (TAH)?
- By saying THANKYOU 3 times every day at home to my parents and siblings
- To be more cheerful at home and by keeping my room tidy
- To be more aware of the Spirit of Jesus at home when it happens
- By thanking my parents for the time, love and sacrifice they have given me
- Less moaning groaning and complaining at home
- By doing my jobs cheerfully without being reminded
- Asking family members about their day
- By being kinder and more pleasant to family members
- To be more cheerful, giving more compliments and encouraging words at home
On Friday our Grade 6's travelled to St Peter Chanel in Smithton to work with Marty Ogle as part of the MJR program. This opportunity not only allows our students to continue to reflect on their values, attitudes and choices but to also develop relationships with students from another Catholic school. Thank you to the team at SPC for hosting our Grade 6's. Further across the week, our students from Prep to Grade 2 participated in the swimming program and our Grade 3 and 5 students participated in NAPLAN testing. Finally, we came together as a community on Saturday night to celebrate Mass. Thank you to the staff and families who were in attendance.
Despite all of the busyness that occurred last week, there were two common threads. The first being that our students consistently demonstrated our values of care, courage, curiosity and connection in a variety of settings and that our school values were a consistent point of emphasis in all of the learning opportunities. This feedback has been consistently been passed back to our school and it is a credit to not only our students, but to the work of our staff and all in our community. The second key thread that was evident last week was our vision statement. Our vision states that our aim at SBW is "To provide high quality education within a connected community that inspires students to grow holistically, in faith, love, virtue and knowledge". As a school we are working diligently to ensure that we are aspiring to our vision in order to provide the best possible, holistic learning opportunities for our students.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Supporting Project Compassion at SBW
As part of Lent, SBW is raising funds for CARITAS for Project Compassion. We have donation boxes in classrooms and any donations are greatly appreciated.
In Week 10, students are invited to participate in the 'Guess the Number of Easter Eggs in the Jar' competition. The competition will be open Monday - Thursday before school from 8:30-8:45am. Guesses are 50 cents each, or 3 for $1. The winner will be the person who guesses correctly or the closest to. If multiple guesses match, we will put names in a hat and draw one out.
On Thursday of Week 10 (April 10) we will be having a Casual Clothes Day for a gold coin donation. Students may choose to wear clothes or acessories that are related to the colours of CARITAS and Project Compassion.
It was communicated at the end of 2024 that all students would have transitioned to the new uniform requirements at the start of Term 2.
We expect all students to be in the updated school uniform at the start of term 2.
Please see below the Uniform changes that have been rolled out over previous years.
Highlighted Uniform Changes
Winter tunic dress—replaced by Skirt, available at the Uniform shop, or some families have altered their Winter Tunics into skirts.
Female students may also wish to wear trousers as per the uniform attachment.
Track Pants and skorts - Updated design, material and logo placement
Socks - Short navy socks with two blue stripes around the top are to be worn with the P to 2 uniform and with the sports uniform in upper classes (instead of white socks). Please see attachment for further information
Rugby Jumper - Replaced by Smart Play Jumper
We’re excited for our upcoming School Cross Country on Wednesday, April 9th at Gutteridge Gardens, with some classes running along the River Track. Students will have a practice run during PE on Friday April 4th to help them prepare and get to know the track.
Events like these wouldn’t be possible without the support of our amazing parents and caregivers! If you’re able to help on the day, we’d greatly appreciate it. Please fill out the Google Form if you’re able to volunteer. More information will be sent out via COMPASS.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
On Monday, the Grade Six students took part in an enriching Leadership Day, designed to develop their leadership skills and deepen their connection to the local community. The day began with a walk on Country to Freestone Cove, where students met with Camilla and Jack from the Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation. Students participated in a smoking ceremony and learned about the Indigenous cultural history of the area, gaining a greater appreciation for the land and its significance. Upon returning to school, students engaged in a variety of activities focused on leadership qualities and strengths, teamwork and collaboration, communication and active listening, and public speaking. The day provided valuable opportunities for students to reflect on their leadership potential, work together, and build confidence in their abilities.
Daily reviews are fast-paced, well-planned sessions to consolidate core concepts and skills taught in core learning areas. They support the transfer of learning from short-term to long-term memory (automatise) and target concepts outlined in the cognitive load theory. Daily Reviews revise and review what has been taught previously - not introduce new learning. Thank you Grade 5 for sharing your Daily Review in Maths.
Grade Five Newsletter
Harmony Week was celebrated from March 17th to 23rd, with Harmony Day on Friday 21st. We're excited to share our learning about diversity and world cultures as part of Harmony Week 2025. This year's theme was "Harmony - We All Have a Role to Play."
What We Learned
We explored the diversity of world cultures, including:
- Food
- Clothing
- Celebrations
- Music
- Languages
- Art
- Homes
- Games
Interesting Facts
- Orange is the official colour of Harmony Week
- In Japan, it's polite to slurp your noodles, it shows that you are enjoying your meal!
- There are over 7,000 languages in the world
- Aboriginal dot paintings in Australia represent Dreamtime stories
- Japan created the game Rock, Paper Scissors
- The Chinese New Year is celebrated in February or March, with fireworks and red lantern decorations
- In some cultures, it's polite to take off your shoes before entering a home, while in others, it's not necessary
- In Scotland, men wear kilts for special occasions
- In Japan, a kimono is a traditional Japanese dress worn during special occasions such as weddings and tea ceremonies
Cultural Differences and Similarities
We discovered that while cultures have many differences, there are also similarities. For example, many cultures have harvest festivals, even though they're celebrated differently.
Remember, Harmony starts with understanding. We all have a role to play in creating a world where diversity is celebrated. Let's continue to learn from each other and appreciate the beautiful tapestry of world cultures!
We have created a pattern of people to show many cultures, interwoven with Grade Five students, holding hands to show unity.
Kinder Parent Information Evening |
Thursday 3rd April |
Cross Country |
Wednesday, 9th April |
Backup Cross Country |
Wednesday, 30th April |
Term 1 concludes Students |
Thursday, 10th April |
Student Free Day |
Friday, 11th April |
Term 2 Resumes for Staff and Students |
Monday, 28th April |
School Photo Day |
Wednesday, 7th May |
Mothers day Plant Stall & Mothers Day Breakfast-Save the Date |
Friday, 9th May |
NW Cross Country at Stella |
Friday, 16th May |
Student Free Day |
Monday, 19th May |
Student Free Day |
Friday, 6th June 2025 |
Public Holiday |
Monday, 9th June 2025 |
Trivia night-Save the Date | Friday, 13th June |
Term 2 Concludes |
Friday, 4th July 2025 |
Student Free Day |
Monday, 21st July 2025 |
Did you know that 1 in 10 children suffer from hearing loss? That's why our school is excited to introduce the Sound Scouts Program, a fun and innovative way to check your child's hearing.
Sound Scouts is a clinically proven app that tests hearing in children aged 4 years and older. It's designed as an interactive game that kids enjoy playing, while secretly conducting a comprehensive hearing check. The best part? It can be done in any quiet place, making it perfect for use in school.
Why is hearing so important for our little ones?
- Language Development: Children learn to speak by hearing and imitating sounds around them.
- Learning: Good hearing is crucial for classroom learning and following instructions.
- Social Skills: Hearing plays a vital role in developing social and communication abilities.
The World Health Organisation recommends that all children have their hearing screened before they start school. With Sound Scouts, we can easily achieve this goal.
If the app detects any hearing issues, it provides immediate results and recommendations for follow-up care. This early detection can make a world of difference in a child's educational and social development.
Mrs McCormick Robotham
Please see the following regarding gastroenteritis, and please find additional information at
Public Health Service are aware of gastroenteritis (gastro) outbreaks in the community, including the education sector, and would like to remind educators to please remain vigilant for gastroenteritis and to put in place appropriate measures.
Infectious gastroenteritis (‘gastro’) is a short-term illness caused by infection and inflammation of the digestive system. Symptoms may include diarrhoea (frequent or loose stools), vomiting and abdominal pain. There are many causes of gastroenteritis, with the most common being a viral infection.
Infectious gastroenteritis is spread very easily. It may be spread via vomit and faeces (poo) of an infected person or contaminated objects, food or water.
Infection control recommendations:
- Children or staff who become unwell with vomiting and/or diarrhoea while at childcare or school should go home.
- Children and staff should not return to childcare or school until at least 48 hours after symptoms have resolved.
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after any contact with a sick person
- Staff should supervise/ remind children to wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet.
Please follow this link for further information regarding Infectious diseases
As part of our ongoing focus on school effectiveness, students, staff and families are invited to participate in a survey that is facilitated by Insight SRC. Information will be sent to families in the week commencing 24/3. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents' perceptions of their children’s experience of school. The results will benefit everyone within the school by providing valuable information about the ways in which the school can use staff, student and parent input to plan programs and activities to improve our effectiveness. Thank you in advance for your support with this.
Finding the right balance between educational content and entertainment for our children can be challenging. With so many apps available, choosing ones that engage our kids and provide valuable learning experiences is essential. To help you navigate this landscape, we've curated a list of age-appropriate apps that combine learning and fun while prioritising safety and privacy.
- Use parental controls and safe search options on devices.
- Regularly check your child's browsing history and have open conversations about their online activities.
- Consider using cyber safety tools to teach online safety in a fun, interactive way.
- Set up devices in shared spaces at home so you can be nearby if your child needs help.
- Work with your children to create a family media plan that includes rules for online safety.
Remember, these apps are meant to supplement, not replace, traditional learning methods. Encourage a balanced screen time approach and prioritise real-world interactions and experiences.
By choosing age-appropriate educational apps and maintaining open communication about online safety, we can help our children enjoy the benefits of the digital world while staying safe and secure.
Madison Hope
Dear Families,
The most important role we have as educators and parents is the safety of the children in our care. There are 2 buses that arrive at school prior to 8:30 am. The students who arrive on these bus services will be required to wait in the HEALTH ROOM and this will be under the supervision of a school staff member. We are continuing to work with the Department of State Growth to hopefully reach a sustainable and improved outcome for our students using their bus service. It is an expectation that students who are being dropped off by parents are dropped off from 8:30 am onwards.
We are also working with Catholic Education Tasmania to find a more permanent solution to the early bus arrivals.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support with this matter to ensure that we are providing a safe learning environment for our students.
Please note that our students last day for Term 1 is Thursday April 10. Students will resume school on Monday April 28.